Overlapping Circles

5 Artists Collaborate with the Collection

June 16 - November 29, 2020

10:30-16:00 (last admission 15:30)
Mondays (except Aug. 10, Sep. 21, Nov. 23), Aug. 11, Sep. 23, Nov. 24
DIC Corporation
Chiba Prefecture, Chiba Prefectural Board of Education, Sakura City, Sakura City Board of Education

Museum Admission

  • Adults ¥1,300
  • College / 65 and over ¥1,100
  • Elem / JH / HS ¥600

Groups of 20 or more:

  • Adults ¥1,100
  • College / 65 and over ¥900
  • Elem / JH / HS ¥500

Persons with a disability pass:

  • Adults ¥1,000
  • College / 65 and over ¥800
  • Elem / JH / HS ¥400

*Admission also includes entrance to the permanent collection galleries.
*On May 5 (Children's Festival holiday) admission is free for high school students and younger.
- For students and seniors over 65, discounts require identification such as a Student ID, passport or driver's license.
- For persons with a disability pass=the same discounted price applies for one accompanying care-giver for each disability pass holder


In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art, this exhibition has been planned as an opportunity to show works from our collection in collaboration with contemporary artists.

As seen in the ceiling lighting and stained glass of the Museum’s Entrance Hall, the building adopts a design motif of “overlapping circles” in a number of places. Included in the meaning of this motif is symbolism of the bond of friendship between the Museum’s founder Katsumi Kawamura and the architect Ichiro Ebihara, as well as the encounters between museum visitors and the works of art.

As suggested by its title ‘s reference to this motif, the exhibition offers overlapping experiences of five front-line artists through their encounters with works from the Museum’s collection.

The interpretations of works from our collection by these contemporary artists inspire new works displayed in installations along with collection pieces.

We hope you will enjoy the reverberations born of these collaborations that reach across time to join art of different decades.


Artists displayed:

Hiraki Sawa × Cy Twombly
Hiroshi Sugito × Larry Bell
Noguchi Rika × Joan Miró
Naoyo Fukuda × Joseph Cornell
Nobuko Watanabe × Ellsworth Kelly


Talk events involving the exhibiting artists

March 21 (Sat.) Hiraki Sawa (Video artist)
April 21 (Sat.) Noguchi Rika (Art photographer)
May 23 (Sat.) Naoyo Fukuda (Artist) 
June 13 (Sat.) Hiroshi Sugito (Artist) 
July 4 (Sat.) Nobuko Watanabe (Artist) 

Gallery Talks by the Curator

March 28 (Sat.)
April 25 (Sat.)

May 30 (Sat.)
June 27 (Sat.)
July 11 (Sat.) 
- No reservations required
- Gather at the Entrance Hall 14:00
- Free with Museum admission